#Dantedì 2020: Maria Sofia Lannutti’s video about Dante and the ars cantionis

The 25th of March was the first #Dantedì, as established by the Italian Council…

Maria Sofia Lannutti discussant at the first seminar of the ERC MiMus project

Maria Sofia Lannutti discussant at the first seminar of the ERC MiMus project……

First seminar of the Project ArsNova (17 January 2020)

17th January 2020: first seminar of the project ArsNova. Description of the…

Antonio Calvia at the conference "Musica e poesia in Italia e in Francia tra Duecento e Trecento"

Antonio Calvia at the conference "Musica e poesia in Italia e in Francia tra…

Maria Sofia Lannutti at the round table discussion "Per conoscere meglio Iacopone da Todi"

Maria Sofia Lannutti at the round table discussion "Per conoscere meglio…

Presentation of the ArsNova project in occasion of the study day held by the MALMECC project in Oxford

Presentation of the ArsNova project in occasion of the study day held by the…