Sofia Lannutti, Michele Epifani and Luca Gatti will take part in the IXth Seminar on Franco-Italian (25-26 november)
Sofia Lannutti, Michele Epifani and Luca Gatti will take part in the IXth…
Luca Gatti will give a lecture entitled The Poetry of the ‘Ars nova’: ecdotic and interpretative issues (Bologna, 20 november 2024)
Luca Gatti will give a lecture entitled La poesia dell’«Ars nova»: questioni…
Sofia Lannutti and Davide Checchi will participate in the conference Metrica e retorica: i trattati (sec. XIV-XVI) at the University for Foreigners of Siena (19-20 November 2024)
Sofia Lannutti and Davide Checchi will participate in the conference Metrica e…
The ArsNova team will participate in the 14th International Course on Music in the Middle Ages (Florence, 11-14 November 2024)
The ArsNova team will participate in the 14th International Course on Music in…
Carlos Iafelice at the XXXI Annual Conference of the Italian Society of Musicology (Florence, 25 October 2024)
Carlos Iafelice at the XXXI Annual Conference of the Italian Society of…
Luca Gatti will participate as a speaker at the 14th Conference of the Italian Society of Romance Philology (Milan, 2 October 2024)
Luca Gatti will participate as a speaker at the 14th Conference of the Italian…
Luca Gatti will participate as a speaker at the LI Interuniversity Conference in Brixen (Brixen, 6 July 2024)
Luca Gatti will participate as a speaker at the LI Interuniversity Conference…
Davide Checchi at the Colloque international Traditions discursives et témoins manuscrits en français médiéval. Une analyse du Complément bibliographique du DEAF (Zürich, 18 June 2024)
Davide Checchi at the Colloque international Traditions discursives et témoins…