Sofia Lannutti will speak about Dante at the "Giuliano Tanturli" Seminar (University of Florence, 28 November 2022)
Sofia Lannutti will speak about Dante at the "Giuliano Tanturli" Seminar…
Team ArsNova participates in the conference "Les ressources de la Musicologie médiévale. La bibliographie" (Paris, 22 July 2022)
Team ArsNova participates in the conference "Les ressources de la Musicologie…
The ArsNova team participates in the conference "Poesia e Musica fra Trecento e Quattrocento" (Certaldo, 18-20 July 2022)
The ArsNova team participates in the conference "Poesia e Musica fra Trecento…
The ArsNova team will participate in MedRen 50 (Uppsala, 4-7 July 2022)
The ArsNova team will participate in MedRen 50 (Uppsala, 4-7 July 2022) The…
The Third Seminar of the project European ArsNova at the International Conference "Tesori di riuso: Nuove scoperte e ricerche intorno ai frammenti del codice San Fedele-Belgioioso" (Pavia – Cremona, 24-26 maggio 2022)
The Third Seminar of the project European ArsNova at the International…
Antonio Calvia speaks at the Georgetown University Symposium "Dante and Performance" (8 April 2022)
Antonio Calvia speaks at the Georgetown University Symposium "Dante and…
Antonio Calvia and Anne Stone illustrate recent discoveries at the University of Oxford (17 February 2022)
Antonio Calvia and Anne Stone illustrate recent discoveries at the University…
The PI Maria Sofia Lannutti speaks at the conference "Le Canzoniere: un univers de fragments" (Paris, 13-14 January 2022)
The PI Maria Sofia Lannutti speaks at the conference "Le Canzoniere: un…
The ArsNova team discusses recent discoveries at the conference "Poesia e musica in Italia dal Duecento alla fine del Quattrocento" (Certaldo, 3-4 December 2021)
The ArsNova team discusses recent discoveries at the conference "Poesia e…
Project ArsNova at the conference "Dantismi. L’eredità di Dante tra parole e musica" (Pavia-Cremona, 24-26 November 2021)
Project ArsNova at the conference "Dantismi. L’eredità di Dante tra parole e…