On the 1st of March 2019 from 9am to 1pm in the Comparetti room of the Biblioteca Umanistica will be held the first official presentation of the ERC European Ars Nova project. Maria Sofia Lannutti, PI of the project, will show its methodology and ideology.
To follow, Johannes Bartuschat (Universität Zürich) will give a lecture about “Poesia d’amore e poesia d’esilio dai siculo-toscani a Dante”.
Finally Stefano Carrai (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa) and John Nádas (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) will introduce the volume “La caccia nell’ars nova italiana. Edizione critica commentata dei testi e delle intonazioni” edited by Michele Epifani. The presentation of the volume will be enriched by the live performance of some of the pieces taken from the edition.
Will attend, for the institutional greetings, also Luigi Dei, dean of the University of Florence, Anna Nozzoli, director of the Department of Literature and Philosophy (Florence), Claudio Vela, director of the Department of Musicology and Cultural Heritage (Pavia-Cremona), Lino Leonardi, director of the Ezio Franceschini Foundation, and Paolo Squillacioti, director of the Opera del Vocabolario Italiano.